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Kuzevanov Igor. To be successful means...

Kuzevanov Igor, School # 67, Yekaterinburg

To be successful means...

I expressed my thoughts in prose and poetry.

During the whole life we set the goals. It can be a small task or a great mission and it doesn't often matter if you achieve your aims or not. There is one more important thing for a person who wants to reach them. You should do your best in spite of a great amount of difficulties. As a result you will become a really successful person. However not all the people are strong-in-heart, most of them are not able to follow their dream. They stop at the midway as it is much easier for them. It is the common problem to everyone who wants to be successful. Overcoming such difficulties a person becomes courageous and wise.

So, to be successful means to have a strong character. You should do everything possible and impossible to make your dreams come true.


To be successful means a lot.

For some it’s travelling abroad.

Attending sightseeing, trying food

They always have the greatest mood.

          The others work as hard as can

          And make career in Japan.

          For them to be successful means

          To satisfy the money needs.

For persons who are fond of sport

The list of aims is rather short:

Skill level they’ve achieved should rise,

And their aim’s to win first prize.

          But as for me it’s not enough.

          It may be just a little part.

          To be successful means to live

          With friends, who are the friends indeed.

 And living in the world of love

You’re flying like a pretty dove.

Among your family and friends

You dream and make the future plans.

           Success is like a simple thing.

          It’s understood by human being

          As living in your own flat

          And making happy Mom and Dad.


Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Dream (09.06.2012)
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